
Wednesday, 14 September 2011

The Only Friend.....ME

Silliserh, Rajasthan
Man may come and Man may go,but I go on forever;
I do think some times am a fool & at times a bit clever;
I repeat the lines often to my ears & let the resonance sink in,
Some memories to stay on forever and some to go to the recycle bin.

Strange is the world & more strange are the worldly ties,
My lips curl to a smile wondering how time flies...
Gone are the days when Urs was the face I searched to feel familiar,
These days Urs is the same face I try to steer clear...
Where did I go wrong?
'Please forgive me' ...Is that the only song?
Vagator, Goa
The wounds inflicted are deep,
Even if I forgive you, forgetting would be a promise hard to keep.

Many a time has it happened with me,
The wringing pain that invades me as I imagine your devilish glee,
The ones I trust knock me down & hit me hard;
Makes me wish sometimes, I had wings to fly like a bird...

The thoughts torment me a lot,
And everything seems like a thickened plot;
Did you manipulate your true self?
If its so, you are no better than an elf;
One moment I feel am in abyss,
The other I am in my well created bliss;
No words to listen & no words to share about thee
Long time I realised THE ONLY FRIEND I HAVE ................IS ME!!!!!!!!!!!