
Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Purr- a-noic


I do not think that I am ailurophobic (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ailurophobia) but I do find this species a little greedy lot.However, my experience this time in Chaardukan area near St. Paul's church in Landour, Mussoorie made me feel I am a bit purr-a-noic!!!

Already filled tummy, but I still could not get over the menu that the small shop had to offer.Tugged along my partner in indulgence to the shop and ordered a waffle in the cold weather with lotsa lip-smacking syrup.There were four unoccupied chairs in the open but the chill wind that blew in the open helped me make up my mind to sit in the couch inside.

As soon as I made my way inside to the snug surroundings, I placed my bag on the sofa and chose to sit in the corner oblivious of what was coming my way.तशरीफ़ रखना happened to be the most memorable moment of that day as I gauged something was moving on the couch. I was barely few inches away and was almost about to sit on it when I saw the whiskers and a snarl..........

Aaaaaahhhhhh.....Save me!!!!!was the first thing on my mouth and I ran to my hubby in a sprint.Hearing me shout, the shop owner and his daughter moved out from their respective places.To my utter shock, they did not come to comfort me as I expected but they seemed more worried about Bijlee!!!

Bijlee by that time was perched on top of a wardrobe still snarling at me and then I realised what I averted thankfully.God knows how many needles would have pierced its way through  me if that black & white nightmare would have bitten me or ran its claws on me.

I did finish the waffles that I had ordered although I was still engulfed with the fear of Bijlee   (Quite an Electrifying shock it was!!!)

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